Seaforth Public School

We work as one to give your child the best start

Telephone02 9948 1694

Parent Services

Seaforth Public School Provides a range of services to support parents complete administrative tasks online. We encourage all new and continuing families to access the range of services that we provide.

Flexischools logo  Flexischools

Seaforth Public School uses Flexischools, a fast and secure way to order and pay for canteen, uniforms, excursions, events, fundraisers and fees.

School Booking SystemSchool Booking System

Seaforth Public School uses an online booking system for a range of events throughout the school calendar year. For each event a unique event code will be provided to you to access the system.

School Booking System

Parent PortalParent Portal

Every family has access to our student management system. Click on the link below to access Parent Portal.  If you do not know your access key or require assistance please call the office.

Sentral Parent Portal


Online Student Absence Notification

If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness or other family circumstances, it is important that you notify the school as early as possible. Please fill in our online Notification of Absence . You may alternatively call the school office on the campus that your child attends, however, a written note to the child's teacher must follow. 


Kempridge Office: Ph - 9948 1694      /      Yatama Office: Ph - 9948 8110 


School Bus Travel

The School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) provides eligible school students with free or subsidised travel on public transport between home and school.

Sydney Buses operates over 1200 dedicated school services each day. Click on the link to see Seaforth Public School's special timetables and service maps:

For all information about the School Student Transport Scheme, go to


Family Holidays and Travel

Families are encouraged to travel or holiday during the designated school holiday periods. If this is not possible, an Application for Extended Leave, or eligibility to enrol in Distance Education request must be completed and submitted to the school office. Where the principal considers that the travel is appropriate a Certificate of Extended Leave will be issued. Absences relating to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and contribute to your child's total absences for the year.

The Application for Extended Leave can be downloaded from the following attachment:


Change of Address Notification

If you have moved house or changed contact details, it is important that you notify us promptly so that we can update your record. Accurate records are essential in case of an emergency.

Change of Details